Wednesday 10 September 2008

APhA Seeks Nominations For The APhA Distinguished Federal Pharmacist Award

� Nominations are now being accepted for the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Distinguished Federal Pharmacist Award to be presented at the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Antonio, Texas, April 36, 2009. APhA's Awards and Honors programme is American Pharmacy's most prestigious and comprehensive recognition program.

Established in 2003, the Distinguished Federal Pharmacist Award is the Association's premier honor to recognise a pill roller who has distinguished himself or herself and the profession through outstanding contributions in federal pharmacy exercise, resulting in significant improvement in the health of the carry Nation and/or the population he or she serves. The award is endowed by The Roche Foundation.

Deadline for nominations is September 30, 2008. Guidelines for nominations, the nomination form, and complete criteria for this laurels are usable on the APhA Web site at You may also write to: APhA Awards and Honors Program, 1100 15th Street, NW, Suite four hundred, Washington, DC 20005-1707, to obtain appropriate forms and instructions. Or you crataegus laevigata fax a request to (202) 628-0443, or e-mail to

About the American Pharmacists Association (APhA)

The American Pharmacists Association, founded in 1852 as the American Pharmaceutical Association, represents more than 63,000 practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and others interested in advancing the profession. APhA, dedicated to helping all pharmacists ameliorate medication use and get ahead patient tutelage, is the first-established and largest association of pharmacists in the United States. APhA members provide attention in all practice settings, including community pharmacies, hospitals, long-term forethought facilities, managed care organizations, hospice settings, and the military.

American Pharmacists Association

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